• We set out to create a “ go-to, works wonders on everything, all purpose” balm. We needed this product to be able to cool down a burn, take the sting out of a bug bite, soothe a sore muscle, but we also wanted it to iron out wrinkles, calm down eczema and take the itch out of poison ivy. Essential Balm it is. Each and every herb and ingredient we used in Essential Balm has its own unique way to nurture the skin and promote healing and when you bring them all together they work synergistically to promote the very best care for your beautiful skin. Ingredients: Organic Hemp oil, Olive oil infused with organically grown Calendula, Chamomile, Peppermint, Comfrey. Plaintain and St. John’s Wort delicately scented with essential oils of Frankincense, Lavender and Peppermint
  •   Hypericum Salve We made this salve out of necessity for ourselves. Farming is hard work and hard work makes for sore muscles. But St John’s Wort  goes deeper than that. Read on…   SJW’s anti-inflammatory, vulnerary, astringent, and antimicrobial actions make it a powerful healer for wounds, bruises, burns, sprains, and muscle pain. SJW will reduce pain, swelling, and inflammation associated with many injuries that affect the skin and muscles (Hardin, 2014). Its antiseptic properties (Chevallier, 1996) help prevent infection in wounds and burns. SJW helps relieve the pain associated with damaged nerves and neuralgia, and is helpful for painful sciatica, shingles, and rheumatism. It can even heal and repair nerve sensation in nerves damaged by traumatic injury or other causes. In fact, SJW is known as “arnica for the nerves” due to its strong healing abilities. Germany’s Commission E approved external preparation of SJW for use for “sharp or abrasive wounds, muscle pain, and first-degree burns” (American Botanic Council, 1999). One clinical study of SJW as treatment for wound healing and scarring associated with Caesarean surgeries found that women treated with SJW ointment experienced “significant differences in wound healing on the 10th day…and scar formation on the 40th day postpartum” as women in the placebo and control groups, as well as significantly lower pain and itching (Samadi, 2010).   Ingredients: Fresh St. John’s Wort flowers infused in extra virgin olive oil and ethically harvested beeswax


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