  • Elder

  • Red Raspberry

  • Tulsi

  • Distilled water, EVOO, Coconut Oil(O), Palm Oil, ,sodium hydroxide, Lime EO, Lavender EO and Juniperberry EO. Infused with comfrey leaf and Annatto seed.
  • Distilled water, Coconut Oil(O), Palm Oil ,EVOO , sodium hydroxide, Castor Oil, Sunflower Oil,Sweat Almond Oil.Lavender EO,Bergamot EO, Kaolin Clay and Colloidal oatmeal.
  • Sometimes life can be stressful and being stressed can cause all sorts of unwanted and unforeseen health issues. Relax Tincture was blended to support the nervous system and therefore greatly reduce anxiety.    
  • Goldenrod (Solidago spp.) There is a very strong tradition, coming from various parts of the world, for the use of goldenrod to support the kidneys and bladder and it has significant antimicrobial activity to help the entire digestive system as well. The second major theme for the medicinal use of Goldenrod is in regards to its toning, antimicrobial, antiinflammatory, and diuretic effects upon the urinary system.  It’s antimicrobial effects help by supporting the urinary system through difficulties such as urinary tract infections and nephritis. It also helps support the upper respiratory system, and sinusitis especially during allergy season as a result of its true anti-histamine action. Lastly, Solidago species have been listed in both ethnobotanical literature as well as traditional herbal literature as a supportive diaphoretics that can be used during a cold or influenza even for children with fever and flu (Smith, 1933; Turner et al., 1980). Lastly, there is much research mentioning its usefulness in infantile colic and flatulence, as well as sickness of the stomach, stomach cramps, and vomiting in children and adults alike (Felter & Lloyd, 1898; Ellingwood, 1919). It is a very old traditional to use Goldenrod for support of the gastrointestinal system.
  • SJW’s anti-inflammatory, vulnerary, astringent, and antimicrobial actions make it a powerful healer for wounds, bruises, burns, sprains, and muscle pain. Used as an infused oil, salve, or poultice, SJW will reduce pain, swelling, and inflammation associated with many injuries that affect the skin and muscles (Hardin, 2014). Its antiseptic properties (Chevallier, 1996) help prevent infection in wounds and burns. SJW helps relieve the pain associated with damaged nerves and neuralgia, and is helpful for painful sciatica, shingles, and rheumatism. It can even heal and repair nerve sensation in nerves damaged by traumatic injury or other causes. In fact, SJW is known as “arnica for the nerves” due to its strong healing abilities. Germany’s Commission E approved external preparation of SJW for use for “sharp or abrasive wounds, muscle pain, and first-degree burns” (American Botanic Council, 1999). One clinical study of SJW as treatment for wound healing and scarring associated with Caesarean surgeries found that women treated with SJW ointment experienced “significant differences in wound healing on the 10th day…and scar formation on the 40th day postpartum” as women in the placebo and control groups, as well as significantly lower pain and itching (Samadi, 2010). SJW's active constituents hypericin and pseudohypericin are antiviral (Tillotson, 2001), and SJW is used to treat viral infections such as herpes (cold) sores, influenza, HIV, and AIDS (Tierra, 2003; Edwards, 2000; McIntyre, 1996). SJW is also considered a urinary system tonic and can relieve bedwetting in children and incontinence (McIntyre, 1996). Herbalist Margaret Grieve gives us this advice: “For children troubled with incontinence of urine at night an infusion or tea given before retiring will be found effectual” (Grieve, 1931). As Holmes (1997) states, “SJW’s action on the bladder stands out” due to its energetic ability to tonify the kidneys and clear damp-cold in the urinogenital system, and recommends SJW for difficult, painful urination, incontinence, bedwetting, and mucus in the urine.
  • Calendula- Fine sugar, vegan glycerin, coconut oil sunflower oil, Calendula flowers infused in extra virgin olive oil, essential oils of Bergamot, Lavender and Grapefruit
  • Mugwort

    Mugwort is also used to stimulate gastric juice and bile secretion. It is also used as a liver tonic; to promote circulation; and as a sedative   The Food and Drug Administration have not evaluated this product. We recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before using herbal products, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications. The information provided is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Contraindications may exist. Keep out of reach of children.
  • Elderberry elixir is a safe and delicious way to boost the immune system. What the World needs now is Love-and Anti-“V” Tea. In light of the dreaded CV, we crafted a blend of superior herbs that are brought together to promote Healing in its purest form. We send it out unto the People of this Planet- our Brothers and Sisters, with sincere blessings of peace, wellness and Love. Aho. Hand Sanitizer A pleasant way to keep your hands and surfaces clear of pathogens.
  • Yarrow

    Yarrow has been used to induce sweating and to stop wound bleeding. It also has been reported to reduce heavy menstrual bleeding and pain. It has been used to relieve GI ailments, for cerebral and coronary thromboses, to lower high blood pressure, to improve circulation, and to tone varicose veins. The Food and Drug Administration have not evaluated this product. We recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before using herbal products, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications. The information provided is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Contraindications may exist. Keep out of reach of children.
  • The tea is particularly beneficial for digestion and liver health. When consumed regularly, it helps your body get rid of toxins and fights inflammation. Due to its flatulence-relieving and anti-spasmodic properties, rosemary tea keeps your digestive system running smoothly and relieves bloating. The Food and Drug Administration have not evaluated this product. We recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before using herbal products, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications. The information provided is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Contraindications may exist. Keep out of reach of children.


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