Distilled water,Coconut Oil, Palm Oil, Castor Oil,sodium hydroxide,,Wheat Germ oil,Avocado Oil,Jojoba Oil, Coco Butter,Shea Butter, Grape seed Oil
Distilled water, EVOO, Coconut Oil(O),Palm Oil,Grape Seed Oil ,sodium hydroxide, Kaolin Clay, Orange, Frankincense and Myrrh EO and Turmeric.
Distilled water, Coconut Oil(O), Palm Oil ,EVOO , sodium hydroxide, Castor Oil, Sunflower Oil,Sweat Almond Oil.Lavender EO,Bergamot EO, Kaolin Clay and Colloidal oatmeal.
Distilled water, EVOO, Coconut Oil(O), Palm Oil, ,sodium hydroxide, Jojoba Oil, Cocoa Butter ,Kaolin Clay, Cocoa Powder and Peppermint EO
Check out our Fall Bundle with essentials for the season including: Wildcrafted Elderberry Syrup The West Gate Tea Blend St. John's Wort tincture Fall Magik Handcrafted Soap Tulsi Tea
This tea was especially blended to support every system in the body. It is loaded with anti-inflammatory, anti viral and antiseptic properties and touts an abundance of vitamins A, B complex, C, E, K, Magnesium and Iron and so much more.
Distilled water, EVOO, Coconut Oil(O), Palm Oil, ,sodium hydroxide, Lime EO, Lavender EO and Juniperberry EO. Infused with comfrey leaf and Annatto seed.
Use the dried oat tops or straw to make a nourishing tea blend. Add one big handful (½ – ¾ cup) to a glass quart jar. Pour boiled water over the herb, cover, and let steep overnight to extract as much of the medicinal and nutritive qualities as possible.